Tuesday, May 22, 2012

If You're Going to Look at All, Look Reeel Close

On Sunday, a fellow named Gary Steinberg brought a pencil by my table to ask what I knew about it.  Now most people breeze right past these, because at first glance it looks like a typical Wahl Eversharp sterling pencil, with the "full jacket" engraving on it.  Although they are simply beautiful, Wahl made so many of them that they remain a relatively common sight -- although the price of silver certainly hasn't made them less appealing lately.

I've learned never to judge a book by its cover when it comes to these, and in this case it paid off handsomely.  A close look at the imprint reveals something neat . . .

NOTE:  This article is now included in the print version of The Leadhead's Pencil Blog, available anywhere you buy books, or also from The Legendary Lead Company.

To order, here's the link:  Volume 1 at Legendary Lead Company

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