Friday, June 29, 2012

Man on a Mission

I've been on a bit of a mission lately to fill in the gaps in my Eversharp collection, so I've been making a point to check my collection when I see an Eversharp in what looks like a common color.

When this one came along in an online auction, I was surprised to see that I didn't have it. 

So I swooped in.  This is an Equipoised "clasp pencil", and for whatever reason a plain old black and pearl example had eluded me until this point.  These frequently slip under the radar, because other than a faint imprint on the barrel, only the shape and the unique clip give its identity away . . .

NOTE:  This article is now included in the print version of The Leadhead's Pencil Blog, available anywhere you buy books, or also from The Legendary Lead Company.

To order, here's the link:  Volume 1 at Legendary Lead Company

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