Thursday, July 12, 2012

"Well YOU Probably Did"

Whenever I stop by Richard Vacca's table, I try to make sure I've got plenty of time to look at everything, because I always miss things.  If Joe Nemecek hadn't asked me why I passed up on the red bumblebee Eversharp dollar pencil at his table in Baltimore, I never would have seen it -- and a red bumblebee pencil hiding on a table is like a rhinocerous hiding behind a tree!

I made several swings by Richard's table while we were in Raleigh, and I don't think I caught this one in my first pass . . .

NOTE:  This article is now included in the print version of The Leadhead's Pencil Blog, available anywhere you buy books, or also from The Legendary Lead Company.

To order, here's the link:  Volume 1 at Legendary Lead Company

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