Friday, August 30, 2013

Two's a Coincidence . . . Or Is It?

Frank Hoban had two of these at the DC show a few weeks ago, and I bought both of them:

What a great imprint these have: “Belmont Handy-Pencil”:

To learn more, this full article is included in The Leadhead's Pencil Blog Volume 2, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and everywhere else you buy books, or you can order a copy signed by yours truly through the Legendary Lead Company HERE.


George Kovalenko said...

Dennis also posted on FPN about his "RedbirD" golf pencil on June 14, 2010.

George Kovalenko.

Unknown said...

Googling Belmont Thin Leads when I came across your blog which I realize was written some time ago. I have bought an estate that has a "tube" of leads they are very short, any idea if they go to the short pencil you have? I thought maybe I could send a picture but don't see that option. It is yellow with red writing