As usual, just because things have been quiet here doesn't mean I haven't been working furiously behind the scenes.
About a year ago, I sat down to start a new series of articles, and I thought an excellent start would be a follow-up to "The Sheaffer Spotter's Bible" article I did concerning Sheaffer's post-war pencils. My collection of Balance pencils was sorely in need of organization, so I got them in order and shot some nice pictures. Some of you might have seen the preliminary version, which was up for a few weeks while I solicited comments from my all-star peanut gallery - David Isaacson, Daniel Kirchheimer, Matt McColm, Brian McQueen, Pat Mohan, David Nishimura and Roger Wooten.
It quickly became apparent that this would be far more than a blog article, and with more than 100 articles posted here over the years about Sheaffer, I knew the project would make a really nice book.
And, after a year of hard work, it is . . .