Friday, August 7, 2020

Volume 6 Is Here!

 Volume 6 of The Leadhead's Pencil Blog is available now.  The print version includes substantially edited versions of all the articles posted here since March, supplemented with "bonus material" incorporating additional finds that arrived after this series ended and a comprehensive index of volumes 1 through 6.

The copies I have in stock are from the first printing, manufactured at Bookmasters here in sunny Ohio using the same high quality paper and printing processes they did for A Century of Autopoint. 

Aaaandd...... your copy will be numbered and signed, and will include initiation into the Order of the Leadheads, entitling you to 10 percent off any of my other books in stock. 

Order Volume 6 from Legendary Lead Company 

The second printing of the book is the print-on-demand version, available through Barnes & Noble, Amazon or anywhere else books are sold - if you choose that route, send me your proof of purchase for remote initiation into the Order!

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