Monday, February 11, 2013

Martin Borbeck's Busy Day

Snap-Fil pens, made by the General Manufacturing Company of Sioux City, Iowa, are a cult classic among pen collectors, with their pointy barrels, flattop caps and levers that open backwards from the direction you’d expect. I don’t have any on hand, but here’s a picture of one from the catalog in the online archives of the Pen Collectors of America (pretty handy membership to have, isn’t it?):

The patent for the Snap-Fil was applied for by Martin Borbeck of Sioux City, Iowa on March 23, 1919, and was issued as number 1,342,736 June 8, 1920:

But here’s the really neat thing: Martin actually received two patents on June 8, 1920. Earlier that same day, he received Patent number 1,342,416: for a lever-operated pencil, which he’d applied for on July 28, 1919:

To learn more, this full article is included in The Leadhead's Pencil Blog Volume 2, available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble and everywhere else you buy books, or you can order a copy signed by yours truly through the Legendary Lead Company HERE.


  1. Nice to see the Kaligraf get some press. I've got two of them and the instruction sheet in my modest Houston collection, but it's taken quite a few years of looking just to acquire these examples - they're fairly scarce. I hope that you soon find an example for yourself.


  2. Hi Dave, and thanks for the note. For now, I'd settle for a nice picture of the ones you have, if you wouldn't mind taking one for me? I can update my article to add them, giving you credit (or not, depending on your preference).
