Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Ferengi's Acfad

Michael Little is quite the ebay seller.  He once told me he was a Ferengi, and I said I didn't know which was sadder . . . that he was comparing himself to a mythical character from Star Trek, or that I knew what he was talking about.  It was a Big Bang Theory kind of moment.

(For those who don't know what a Ferengi is, I'm not going into it here.  Hit up wikipedia if you have to.)

So it surprised me when he brought me something to look at at The Ohio Show this year that he didn't offer to sell to me.  It did take me all weekend to talk him out of a nice Parker Writefine (more on that one later), but on this this one he never budged.  I can't blame him really . . .

NOTE:  This article is now included in the print version of The Leadhead's Pencil Blog, available anywhere you buy books, or also from The Legendary Lead Company.

To order, here's the link:  Volume 1 at Legendary Lead Company

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